Self-construction instead of mass-production.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dallas to Denver (er...Golden)

Hello. Hi. Sorry I'm a lazy blogger. My excuse is that it has been a busy month. I was preparing to move out of state. That's a big deal, huh? Good excuse, yes?

Above are some photos of my wonderful going away party that my wonderful roommates threw...themed as a Super-Hero party. It was so fun and special.

After a long drive with my Dad and my over-worked little Element, I've now lived in Golden, CO for 1 week. It is wonderful to live here. It is refreshing. It is good to be close to my man. I can see all these great possibilities for my future in Colorado. But right now, those things are a bit clouded with thoughts of the past. I left a place that I loved. Nothing was wrong with Dallas. Well, there were things wrong with the city itself (weather and traffic), but nothing was wrong with my life there. I had close friends and a wide social circle, I had plenty of work, I had my family nearby, and I felt important there. Leaving all that is just tough.

I am glad that I moved, but I'm going through a bit of mourning period for what I lost. I know I've never truly lost family will always be there, most of my friends will be there for a long time, and there are so many ways to keep in touch...but life goes on there without me in it. I'm no longer a daily part of Dallas. But I was for such a long time. So no matter how excited I am about my new life here, my longing for what I knew and felt comfortable with overshadows that. It just does. There is no way around it.

But it will get better. The mourning will stop. I'll become important in Denver. Sooner than later. But to say everything is great and perfect here would be a lie.