Self-construction instead of mass-production.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I really enjoy going back every now and then to read my old blogs. Sometimes I'll just pick random months and years to click on and read. Sometimes I'll just skim a few...or just check out the pictures. It's a good reminder of how great life blessed I am. One of my favorite things is to read peoples comments. I LOL-ed several times just now. I think people mostly blog for have a record of what was happening before. Public-journaling. Totally brill. Somewhat censored, sure, but still brill. Totally.

This weekend and the next are two specific times I wish I was in Dallas. Parties. Friends. Food. Festivities. All that I'll be missing.

I watched part of Sex and The City (The Movie) tonight and I was missing my girls. Justin said the other day, "why do you miss Dallas right now? What would you being doing if you were there?" I said I wasn't sure, but whatever it was, I'd feel like myself doing it. I'd feel at home. I'd probably have just been sitting around with roommates talking and/or watching TV...nothing "special", but it would have been special. I don't really miss the things I had going on in Dallas, I miss the people I had going on in Dallas.

I really need to stop blogging about being homesick. It's just so prevalent in my life currently. But yes, I'll stop.

Shank shoe for reading.


Blogger OK Chick said...

No keep blogging about being homesick. It will help.

I've never seen Sex and The City (movie). Is it good?

Sister #2 had prom this weekend. Remember when you went home with me to see Sister #1 leave for prom? Fun times!

7:44 AM

Blogger Martha Elaine Belden said...

if it helps... we miss you, too

but i sincerely hope colorado finds its place in your heart soon.

9:24 AM

Blogger Cara said...

Upon reading this 30 seconds ago I had a strong desire to come here and type, "I love you." Looks like I just did. "Shy shove shoe" sounds so much better.

11:11 PM


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